

By Signing up for this years event you are agreeing to the below Driver/Passenger Waivers:

By participating in this EVENT: Long Roof Rally 2024

Held on the DATES of: 10/12/2024 through 10/13/2024,

Driver Waiver:

I represent that I am at least 18 years of age and have a valid driver's license. I further represent that I have all necessary licenses and insurance to operate my vehicle and to participate in Long Roof Rally, and that I am not taking any drugs or medication, I am not under the influence of alcohol, nor do I have any physical or mental limitations, that would interfere with my safe participation in Long Roof Rally. I recognize that the operation of any vehicle is an inherently dangerous activity with a risk of damage or loss of my vehicle and serious injury or death to me and/or to my passengers. I understand that these risks include, but are not limited to: inclement weather, road surface conditions, debris on roads, varying road widths, and curves and other vehicles, pedestrians, and participants sharing the roadway.

In consideration for being permitted to participate in Long Roof Rally in which I willingly choose to participate, I on behalf of myself and any and all my passengers, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives, agree and indemnify, defend and hold harmless Daniel Gray, Bryan Sladky, Matthew Proto, and Graham Weir, (hereinafter "the Organizers") and their representatives, individually and in the capacity indicated, from and against any and all damages, claims, suits, causes of action to and against a person and property, (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising in connection with or related to my participation in Long Roof Rally.

Further, I assume all the risk of injury and loss, waive and release any claim of damage and injury of any nature I might state against the Organizers and their Representatives who assist in the capacity indicated, arising out of my participation in Long Roof Rally.

I hereby agree to obey any and all applicable New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont State traffic laws (or any other state in which we may operate) including but not limited to posted and recommended speed limits. I also understand I maintain a duty to be aware of my surroundings and any hazards that may arise including but not limited to road hazards, other vehicles (including those participating in the event and those that are non-participants), pedestrians, and wild life.

I have fully read and understood this document and/or I have consulted with legal and/or other advisors of my choice before signing this Unconditional Waiver and Release, and I enter into freely and on behalf of myself and my passengers, my heirs, successors and assignees.

Passenger Waiver:

The Indemnitor hereby releases the Indemnitees from any liability for damages from illness, injury and/or death that arises out of, or is connected with, or in any manner relates to, Indemnitor’s participation in the Event, including but not limited to participation as a passenger in a participating vehicle, driving a participating vehicle or any other involvement in the event be it active or passive.

Indemnitor represents that:

1. I am 18 years of age or older, and further, that I am 21 years of age or older if I am planning to consume any alcoholic beverages during the event.

2. I am submitting this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk declaration voluntarily and of my own free will.

3. I have neither physical or emotional problems, nor any history thereof, which will impair my ability to participate in the Event or would impair my ability to execute this Waiver and release of liability and assumption of risk acknowledgment. I further acknowledge that I am not presently under the influence of any substance which would impair my ability to enter into this agreement.

4. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to assess the hazards presented by my participation in the Event and further agree that I am the ultimate judge as to whether I decide to participate in the Event, including but not limited to participation as a passenger in a participating vehicle, driving a participating vehicle or any other involvement in the event be it active or passive.

5. I understand and EXPRESSLY ASSUME all the dangers incident to participate in the Event and hereby

RELEASE ALL CLAIMS, including but not limited to, personal injury, property damage or destruction, and death, whether caused by NEGLIGENCE, or otherwise, and whether for bodily injury, property damage or loss otherwise, which I may ever have against the Indemnitees.

6. My participation in the Event, including but not limited to participation as a passenger in a participating vehicle, driving a participating vehicle or any other involvement in the event be it active or passive, is entirely optional and my own free choice. My participation in the Event, including but not limited to participation as a passenger in a participating vehicle, driving a participating vehicle or any other involvement in the event be it active or passive, is in no way a requirement of The Organizers.

In consideration for the participation in LRR, you and, if applicable, your children, on your own behalf and on behalf of your passengers, hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue LRR organizers of affiliates or their employees, and absolve them from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, illness, injury, or death.